Synopsis: High fashion meets high stakes in this behind-the-curtain look at how an iconic fashion house is thrown into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer Vincent Ledu (Lambert Wilson), leaving his family’s iconic and legendary haute couture house, LEDU, hanging by a thread. Perle Foster (Amira Casar), Vincent's former muse who is still in his shadow, teams up with visionary next-generation designer Paloma Castel (Zita Hanrot) to save, evolve and renew the century-old Maison LEDU. Taking advantage of Vincent’s demise, Diane Rovel (Carole Bouquet), the ruthless CEO of the powerful Rovel luxury group, launches an offensive to acquire what she sees as her most important prize: Maison LEDU. To achieve her goal, anything is fair game, as this is more than acquiring just another brand — it’s about revenge. (Courtesy Apple TV, 2024)
The Cast:
Lambert Wilson
Amira Casar
Carole Bouquet
Zita Hanrot
Production Credits:
Based on an original idea by Alex Berger, who serves as executive producer, the series is created by showrunners José Caltagirone and Valentine Milville and directed by award-winning directors Fabrice Gobert (The Returned) and Daniel Grou (Lupin).
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