Synopsis: A year after their lives collided on an outback road, retired Australian detective Jack Darby (Bryan Brown) and English widowed nurse Joan Kirkhope (Greta Scacchi) have forged a deep friendship amid shared investigative adventures. But Jack’s story has only just begun – he’s determined to clear his name of the unexplained cloud hanging over his career. Despite the potential danger – or perhaps because of it – Joan insists on helping Jack with his quest. As they travel through Queensland’s picturesque landscapes solving mysteries along the way, Jack and Joan’s relationship will be tested. An escapist adventure where a new mystery awaits around every bend in the road, Darby and Joan ask: can you find yourself in the middle of nowhere? (Courtesy Acorn TV, 2024)
The Cast:
Bryan Brown as Detective Jack Darby
Greta Scacchi as Joan Kirkhope
Production Credits:
Darby and Joan season two is executive produced by Matt Campbell, Claire Tonkin, Don Klees, Catherine Mackin and Bea Tammer, with series producer Elisa Argenzio and script producer Sarah Smith. Created by Glenys Rowe and Phillip Gwynne, the series’ writers include Andrew Anastasios, Giula Sandler, Stephen Vagg, Sarah Smith and David Hannam. Season two directors are Jovita O’Shaughnessy, Grant Brown and Rachel Ward.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Acorn TV)
Season Two Episode Guide (Acorn TV)
2-01 Episode 201--12/30/2024
Jack and Joan encounter two brothers whose feud escalates when one of them is suspiciously injured.
2-02 Episode 202--12/30/2024
The duo aid a nurse after a hit-and-run before learning she’s been accused of killing her patients.
2-03 Episode 203--01/06/2025
Joan and her estranged sister must work together to find a guest kidnapped from an island resort.
2-04 Episode 204--01/13/2025
Jack and Joan investigate when a fire breaks out at a winery and nearly kills an employee.
2-05 Episode 205--01/20/2025
Max introduces Jack and Joan to her fiancé shortly before someone tries to poison him.
2-06 Episode 206--01/27/2025
Jack and Joan race to find the gun that can clear his name, but someone is hot on their trail.
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