WondLa centers around Eva, voiced by Jeanine Mason (Roswell, New Mexico), a curious, enthusiastic and spirited teenager being raised in a state-of-the-art underground bunker by Muthr, a robot caretaker, voiced by Emmy Award nominee Teri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives).
On her 16th birthday, an attack on Eva’s bunker forces her onto the Earth’s surface which is now inhabited by aliens, covered with other-worldly fauna, and no other humans to be found. In fact, it’s no longer called Earth but Orbona. Otto, a loveable giant water bear with whom Eva shares telepathic powers voiced by Emmy Award winner Brad Garrett (Everybody Loves Raymond) and Rovender, a cantankerous alien with a troubled past voiced by Gary Anthony Williams (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) join Eva as she leads the team on a dangerous quest to find humans, her home, and her true destiny.
Also lending their voices to the cast are Chiké Okonkwo (The Birth of a Nation, La Brea) as Besteel, the greatest hunter in all of Orbona; D.C. Douglas (Sharknado 2: The Second One, Black Ops) as Omnipod, Dynasty Corporation’s sentient hand-held device, issued to every human at the age of six; Emmy Award nominee Alan Tudyk (Resident Alien) as Cadmus Pryde, founder of Dynastes Corporation.
WondLa premieres Friday, June 28th, 2024 on Apple TV+.
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