Synopsis: From producer Norman Lear comes a heartfelt comedy that follows Harry (George Wallace), an old-school car wash owner in Alabama who has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he thought was a son returns as a proud, trans woman, Desiree (Laverne Cox). Her homecoming brings together a hilarious cast of friends and neighbors, as Desiree and Harry try to get it right the second time around. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
The Cast:
George Wallace
Laverne Cox
Jay Wilkison
D.K. Uzoukwu
Norah Murphy
Telma Hopkins
Production Credits:
Created by: Dan Ewen & Laverne Cox & George Wallace
Executive producer: Norman Lear
Executive producer: Brent Miller
Executive producer: Simran Baidwan
Executive producer: Dan Ewen
Executive producer: Laverne Cox
Executive producer: George Wallace
Executive producer: Nisha Ganatra
Produced by: Moshe Bardach
Supervising producer: Cathy Frank
Producer: Paul Hilepo
Producer: Shantira Jackson
Producer: Amos Mac
Producer: Brittany Miller
Consulting producer: Shadi Petosky
Consulting producer: Mike Sikowitz
Associate producer: Jonathan Goldberg
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Prime Video)
1-01 Desiree. And Whatnot--
After 23 years away, Desiree returns home to Alabama to repair her relationship with her old school father, Harry.
Teleplay by: Dan Ewen
Story by: Dan Ewen & Laverne Cox & George Wallace
Directed by: Nisha Ganatra
Guest stars: Phillip Garcia; Alexandra Billings; Zoe Votekah as Tameeka; Huxsie Scott as Marian; Kenneth Rouche as Trustee; Libby Blake as Bus Driver; Sophia Sutton as Bus Station Employee; Tiana Melvina as Guard #1 and Michael D. Jenkins as Guard #2
1-02 Spark Joy--
Desiree throws a yard sale to purge her home of unnecessary clutter, with unintended consequences. Meanwhile, Louis keeps Harry busy with a game-day feast.
1-03 Opal's Day Off--
After Opal is suspended from school, Desiree drags the gang on a surprisingly cathartic outing to a theme park.
1-04 Chrome Jesus--
Desiree's return to Sunday service has an unintended ripple effect on the church and their community. Meanwhile, Mack and Opal launch a unique Sunday car wash to increase business....
1-05 Pillars--
As Desiree and Mack keep an eye on the car wash, Harry and the others navigate an election day from hell.
1-06 Closer Than They Appear--
A father-daughter driving lesson takes a turn when Harry has a health emergency, leaving Desiree playing nurse while both of them ponder the future. Meanwhile, Mack tries to keep...
1-07 Mess And Magic--
Desiree and Louis let loose during a much-needed Mardi Gras adventure, until Harry and Ella crash the party.
1-08 Born Again...Again--
Desiree seeks a second baptism while wondering if her stay in Alabama could be more than temporary.
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