Synopsis: When the merge of a prestigious girls’ high school with a boys’ school completely disrupts the monotonous life of students in full puberty, a strict “no romance” school rule is declared and crushes boys and girls’ hopes of finding love. Anyone caught in a romantic relationship will be strictly expelled. Will they compromise their education and risk their future for love?
The series follows the story of students Ichika Arisawa and Ryogo Maki, portrayed by Ai Mikami (Yu Yu Hakusho, Undead Lovers) and Ryubi Miyase (Lovesick Ellie, Kururi Who’s in Love with Me) respectively. As a “Love Keeper,” Ichika uses her wits to secretly help other students caught violating the no-dating rule. She makes money in the process, helping her hardworking single mother pay for her tuition. Meanwhile, Ryogo, the son of a governor, seeks to escape his abusive father and sees Ichika’s mission as a way to earn the money he needs. Eventually, their partnership evolves into a romance that defies the school’s policies. When their secret is exposed, the strength of their resolve is tested. How will they navigate the fallout? (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Ai Mikami as Ichika Arisawa
Ryubi Miyase as
Rintaro Mizusawa
Yudai Toyoda
Shiori Akita
Rino Wauchi
Kyoya Honda
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