Synopsis: The series tells the story of Guillermo Coppola, a famous "Bon Vivant," and his struggles juggling a hectic private life with the demands of being the agent of Diego Armando Maradona, the world's most famous soccer player (Courtesy Hulu, 2024)
The Cast:
Juan Minujin
Monica Antonopulos
Mayte Rodriguez
Joaquin Ferriera
Alan Sabbagh
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Cappa Bianca--03/15/2024
In 1988 Naples, Coppola enjoys his life in the south of Italy, where Maradona is an idol at his peak as an athlete. The agent must fulfill his client's request and obtain a rare black Ferrari while dealing with his hectic private life.
1-02 The Conquest--03/15/2024
In 1990, Coppola falls madly in love with a German model and becomes obsessed with winning her over, but she has no interest in meeting him. The tireless businessman must use his most risky contacts and strategies before taking "no" for an answer.
1-03 My Friend Poli--03/15/2024
In 1994, Coppola alternates his nights between El Cielo and Trumps, nightclubs owned by his friend Poli Arementano. To deal with the rumors about Maradono's personal life, Coppola resorts to extreme measures. And everything spirals out of control.
1-04 The Vase--03/15/2024
In 1996, Coppola is warned about a possible lawsuit against him. Secluded in his mother's house, he sees on TV that police found a vase full of cocaine in his house, planted as evidence to undermine him in court. After being arrested, Coppola faces his....
1-05 The Winning Horse--03/15/2024
After Maradona almost dies from his addictions, Coppola accompanies him on a new attempt at rehabilitation on the island of Cuba. The prospect that lies ahead makes him rethink whether he made the right decisions in the 1980s when he left a successful....
1-06 Fireworks--03/15/2024
2001. In Cuba, foreseeing his client's soccer career is coming to an end, Coppola decides to return to Buenos Aires in order to organize Maradona's farewell match. However, the player's erratic attitude reaches its peak, permanently destroying the bond that...
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