FETV (Family Entertainment Television), home to beloved and timeless television series and movies carried across cable, satellite, and virtual
platforms, announced today that starting February 1st, the network will begin airing original, uncut versions of most TV series and movies on the network, becoming the only network in the classic TV genre to currently do so.
"For decades, TV series in the classic genre have been aired in a truncated fashion on broadcast and cable outlets," said Adam Sumrall, Executive Vice President of FETV and FMC. "Starting in February, FETV will move in an exciting new direction by re-introducing the original, uncut episodes to our viewers. Each day, all of us at FETV think about how to make the viewer experience better, and this is an important step in enhancing that experience."
Launched in 2013, FETV is home to a 24-hour schedule of beloved and timeless television series and movies carried across cable, satellite and virtual platforms reaching 50 million homes. FETV's current lineup features popular television series such as Emergency!, Leave It to Beaver, Perry Mason, and Adam-12. According to Nielsen, FETV's average audience in Primetime (7p-12a ET) ranks among the top 40 ad-supported cable networks.