Synopsis: Palm Royale is a true underdog story that follows Maxine Simmons (Kristen Wiig) as she endeavors to break into Palm Beach high society. As Maxine attempts to cross that impermeable line between the haves and the have-nots, “Palm Royale” asks the same question that still baffles us today: “How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to get what someone else has?” Set during the powder keg year of 1969, Palm Royale is a testament to every outsider fighting for their chance to truly belong. (Courtesy Apple TV+, 2023)
The Cast:
Kristen Wiig
Ricky Martin
Josh Lucas
Leslie Bibb
Amber Chardae Robinson
Kaia Gerber
Laura Dern
Allison Janney
Production Credits:
Loosely based on the novel “Mr. and Mrs. American Pie” by Juliet McDaniel and produced for Apple TV+ by Apple Studios, Palm Royale is written, executive produced and showrun by Abe Sylvia for Aunt Sylvia’s Moving Picture Company, executive produced by Laura Dern and Jayme Lemons for Jaywalker Pictures, Kristen Wiig, Katie O’Connell Marsh, Tate Taylor and John Norris for Wyolah Films, Sharr White, Sheri Holman and Boat Rocker. The series is directed by Taylor, Sylvia, Claire Scanlon and Stephanie Laing.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Apple TV+)
1-01 Pilot--03/20/2024
1-02 Maxine Saves A Cat--03/20/2024
1-03 Maxine's Like A Dellacorte--03/20/2024
1-04 Maxine Rolls The Dice--03/27/2024
1-05 Maxine Shakes The Tree--04/03/2024
1-06 Maxine Takes A Step--04/10/2024
1-07 Maxine Bags A Prince--04/17/2024
1-08 Maxine Saves The Whale--04/24/2024
1-09 Maxine Makes A Splash--05/01/2024
1-10 Maxine Throws A Party--05/08/2024
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