Synopsis: Based on Georgia Hunter’s New York Times bestselling novel, the television adaptation of “We Were the Lucky Ones” is a limited series inspired by the incredible true story of one Jewish family separated at the start of World War II, determined to survive and reunite. We Were the Lucky Ones demonstrates how in the face of the twentieth century’s darkest moment, the human spirit can endure and even thrive. The series is a tribute to the triumph of hope and love against all odds. (Courtesy Hulu, 2024)
The Cast:
Joey King as Halina Kurc
Logan Lerman as Addy Kurc
Hadas Yaron as Mila Kurc
Henry-Lloyd Hughes as Genec Kurc
Amit Rahav as Jakub Kurc
Sam Woolf as Adam Eichewald
Michael Aloni as Selim
Moran Rosenblatt as Herta
Eva Feiler as Bella
Lior Ashkenazi as as Sol Kurc
Robin Weigert as Nechuma Kurc
Ido Samuel as Isaac
Production Credits:
The limited series is executive produced and written by Erica Lipez (Julia, The Morning Show), who also serves as showrunner. Thomas Kail (Fosse/Verdon) directs and executive produces along with Jennifer Todd who will also executive produce for Old 320 Sycamore. Adam Milch will executive produce and We Were the Lucky Ones author Georgia Hunter will co-executive produce. The Hulu Originals series is a production of 20th Television, a part of Disney Television Studios.
* Season One Photo Gallery
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Radom--03/28/2024
The Kurc Family celebrates Passover in Radom, Poland. One year later, the onset of World War II forces a devastating separation.
Written by: Erica Lipez
Directed by: Thomas Kail
1-02 Lvov--03/28/2024
Alina and Bella start their passage to Lvov, Sol, Nechuma, and Mila must find a new home in German-occupied Radom. Addy is conscripted into Polish unit in the French Army.
Written by: Erica Lipez
Directed by: Amit Gupta
1-03 Siberia--03/28/2024
Genek and Herta are sent on a grueling train ride. Addy escapes Europe by sea. Halina starts a new job in Soviet-occupied Lvov.
Written by: Adam Milch
Directed by: Amit Gupta
1-04 Casablanca--04/04/2024
Mila does everything to protect young Felicia. Halina, Jakob, and Bella face new danger in Lvov. Addy searches for Eliska in Morocco.
Written by: Anya Meksin
Directed by: Neasa Hardiman
1-05 Ilha Das Flores--04/11/2024
Halina, Jakob, and Bella search for those missing in Lvov. Addy and Eliska attempt to enter Brazil. Genek faces a Siberian winter and a question of faith. Sol and Nechuma observe Rosh Hashanah.
1-06 Episode 6--04/18/2024
1-07 Episode 7--04/25/2024
1-08 Episode 8--05/02/2024
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