'Big Brother' 26 – Meet The Houseguests

Okay, Big Brother!  What kind of show have you got for us this year?  With this group of house guests, I hope your interview process is better than usual.  You can’t give a group like last year or even a Cook-Out, but we deserve some entertainment.  I hope all that pre-training you give about appropriateness works, and we see a good cast that seems to know the rules, know the show, and want to play a good game.

Alas!  With the introductions, I don’t have much hope.  Granted, there aren’t as many this year that want to (or admit to) use the show as a launching pad for their next move into modeling or acting.  If so, they forgot to make themselves stand out.  Why, half of this cast, I can’t tell apart from each other.  So, I’m going down the cast list noting first opinions.  Here goes!

Angela – an older (50s lady) entered the house full of gusto. She has been wanting to play Big Brother since “forever.”  Why is it that she reminds me of Kim on Deal or No Deal Island?  They’re both big mouths and full of energy.  Kim, though, showed who she was gunning for immediately (Boston Rob) while Angela took her time (first day as HoH) to show who she wanted out.  Is this a record?  So funny.  I learned on X (formerly Twitter) last night that Angela loves to be on television.  I understand she has played CBS morning game show and allowed Dr. Phil to put cameras in her house to analyze her family.  Is she still seeking 15 minutes of fame?  Well, her “gusto” may have gotten it for her.

Matt – Matt’s smile seems to be stapled on his face.  His grin reminds me of the “rigor mortis” comments that often find their way into my X feeds.  I think he really doesn’t know the show or he wouldn’t be off in his office (the storage room) in long meetings and making deals.  I mean if you are just a player with no power or HoH, do you need to have a location where you can interview your employees (I mean competition).  He wants alliances, but I honestly don’t think he knows what alliances are.  Now, he’s the renom thanks to the Power of Veto.  Instead of winning votes, he’s going around pitying his fellow nominees because he KNOWS he has the votes. 

Lisa – Lisa apparently is a celebrity chef.  I’m not sure if that is good or bad.  She does seem to have control of the kitchen.  This makes some of the house guests mad as they think they’re just as good as she is in food preparation.  An early elimination?  In the past, I’d say no but this year, I’m not sure.

Kenney — Kenney (an older player) stood out and not because of his age.  He stood out because he is a cop. If he had played like Derrick and hidden the fact, he could have the potential for a longer stay.  Instead, a tattoo gave it away almost immediately, and it marked him as a target and “scary.”  Sure enough!  He is on the block and is thought to be leaving Thursday (by Matt).

Leah – If asked, I couldn’t necessarily pick Leah out of a line-up with the other girls.  What sets her apart though is that she seems to know she needs to keep on the good side of Angela (HoH) and remembers everything.  This could help her but already has drawn attention to  the fact that she “tells everything.”   She’s one to watch if she can make it to week three.

T’Kor – T’Kor is memorable for her headwear.  She’s a crocheter and evidently has turned it into a successful business.  I bet she wishes she had her needles and yarn with her.  She’s not a player yet, but she’s taking notes for the future.  She also feels it is too early for alliances.

Quinn – Quinn is a super fan.  He and Angela bonded over that.  He’s smart.  He’s a thinker but he forgot a cardinal rule.  He won a secret power – a Secret Deep Fake HoH – where he can control one person’s HoH within the first four weeks of Big Brother quietly.  No new power really.  The same power has existed with a different name.  Of course, he broke the rule and told one person.  I’m betting more know it now.  He’s a player to watch as he can take a situation and turn it to his advantage.

Joseph – Joseph’s occupation (a video store employee) and mustache set him apart at night one.  Most people online asked:  “Do video stores still exist?”  Evidently, they do in Florida.  He made me think of the “Perils of Pauline.”  He’s a quiet player who seems to go along with everyone, but he sees through Matt.  He could turn out to be a good player or a villain.  He’s the first to mention a showmance. 

Cedric – Cedric is notable because he seems to be very observant.  He’s ex-military (I believe) and should have formed a friendship with Kenney.  But, like the usual BB player, he got sucked into the Matt world.  He might be good if Matt is shown the door.  He’s staying safe this week as an AI mascot (pet).

Brooklyn – Brooklyn admits to being a winner.  This is the wrong attitude at this stage of Big Brother, my dear.  You hide your desire to win!  She’s not memorable to me because she hasn’t made herself known for anything yet.  Sure Brooklyn has been in the mix but that’s about it.  Is she a floater?  I don’t think so but time will tell.

Cam – Cam is a follower apparently.  He listens to Matt but I’m not sure what he is capable of yet.  He is part of the weightlifting crew.  He’s going to be a threat in endurance comps.

Chelsie – Chelsie seems sweet but isn’t a threat in the comps.  In fact, she’s an AI mascot for the week. She doesn’t compete in anything but can be nominated.  She’s playing a quiet game. 

Kimo – Kimo is a nom this week.  He’s from Hawaii and that’s about all you can say.  He’s not been a stand-out player.  He seems to fade into the house.  He’s definitely a floater but in a negative way as he did get the nom this week.

Makensy – Makensy. Makensy – what can I say? I thought during the first comp you stood a chance at being a good player.  What do you do?  Immediately, you announce to a group that you have got a power? Bad move.  You will be kept only as long as you don’t use the power.

Rubina – Rubina, in many ways, is the sweetheart of this group.  She doesn’t seem to be in your face.  She’s a floater but I’ve got a feeling that won’t last long.  She knows what she wants and who to watch.

Tucker – Tucker to me is interchangeable with Matt or Joseph.  That changed somewhat as soon as Matt started his meetings.  The problem with Tucker is that Matt thinks he controls him due to their weightlifting in the backyard.  I’m seeing some things in Tucker though that could change my opinion (If I watch the season).  The one good thing is that he knows the curse of first in loses all and plans to beat the curse.

This cast is not as strong as Big Brother 25 and doesn’t have the personalities that came from the Cook-Out.  It seems middle of the road.  They have no alliances although one may have formed last night.  They seem to have Matt set as the villain because he thinks he’s in charge.  He’s followed closely by Angela who already had the first major house fight with Matt (first or second day).  Those two will always be at loggerheads. 

Overall, the twist is a question mark.  They have Ainsley, the AI host.  Presented as a possible contestant, she begged to receive the votes to enter the game.  She lost and revealed herself as the one running the “game.”  With Quinn and Makensy having special powers and Cedric and Chelsie being mascots and given a bye by fellow house guests from noms, no one but Matt has shown his hand.

On another note:  Will I give up the Olympics for this?  Very doubtful unless the updaters imply there is something to watch.