Synopsis: Fire Country stars Max Thieriot (SEAL Team) as Bode Leone, a young convict seeking redemption and a shortened prison sentence by joining a prison release firefighting program in Northern California, where he and other inmates are partnered with elite firefighters to extinguish massive, unpredictable wildfires across the region. It’s a high-risk, high-reward assignment, and the heat is turned up when Bode is assigned to the program in his rural hometown, where he was once a golden all-American son until his troubles began. Years ago, Bode burned down everything in his life, leaving town with a big secret. Now he’s back, with the rap sheet of a criminal and the audacity to believe in a chance for redemption with Cal Fire. Inspired by series star Max Thieriot’s experiences growing up in Northern California fire country. (Courtesy CBS, 2023)
The Cast:
Max Thieriot as Bode
Billy Burke as Vince
Kevin Alejandro as Manny
Diane Farr as Sharon
Stephanie Arcila as Gabriela
Jordan Calloway as Jake
Jules Latimer as Eve
Production Credits:
Produced by: CBS Studios
Executive producers: Tony Phelan, Joan Rater, Tia Napolitano, Bill Harper, Max Thieriot, Jerry Bruckheimer and KristieAnne Reed
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (CBS)
1-01 Pilot--10/07/2022
Five years ago, Bode burned down everything in his life, leaving town with a big secret. Now he's back, with the rap sheet of a criminal and the audacity to believe in a chance for redemption with Cal Fire.
Story by: Tony Phelan/Joan Rater/Max Thieriot
Teleplay by: Tony Phelan & Joan Rater
Directed by: James Strong
1-02 The Fresh Prince Of Edgewater--10/14/2022
Five years ago, Bode burned down everything in his life, leaving town with a big secret. Now he's back, with the rap sheet of a criminal and the audacity to believe in a chance for redemption with Cal Fire.
1-03 Where There's Smoke...--10/21/2022
When the crew responds to a call in a remote forest, they come under fire by an outlaw protecting illegal marijuana crops.
Written by: David Gould
Directed by: Eagle Egilsson
1-04 Work, Don't Worry--10/28/2022
The crew engages in a search and rescue mission after a building collapses and Division Chief Sharon is forced to make a gut-wrenching decision.
Written by: Tonya Kong
Directed by: Jacquie Gould
1-05 Be Some, Be Safe--11/04/2022
A vegetation fire gets complicated for the crew when a panicked horse refuses to evacuate a burning barn. Meanwhile, Vince's brother Luke, the Cal Fire communications director, makes a surprise visit in town.
Written by: Barbara Kaye Friend
Directed by: Gonzalo Amat
1-06 Like Old Times--11/18/2022
After a hiker falls from a steep cliff, Bode and Jake put aside their differences to make a daring rescue. Also, Sharon reveals devasting news to Bode.
Written by: Sara Casey & Manuel Herrera
Directed by: Erica Watson
1-07 Happy To Help--12/02/2022
Bode's crew is accused of stealing a designer watch from a fire mop up, and the crew responds to a high-stakes call about an extremely dangerous gas leak.
Written by: Dwain Worrell
Directed by: Antonio Negret
1-08 Bad Guy--12/09/2022
Vince's judgment is compromised when a harrowing rescue of two siblings triggers emotional memories of the night his daughter died in a car accident.
Written by: Tia Napolitano
Directed by: Kevin Alejandro
1-09 No Good Deed--01/06/2023
Vince's judgment is compromised when a harrowing rescue of two siblings triggers emotional memories of the night his daughter died in a car accident.
Written by: Tia Napolitano & Julia Fontana
Directed by: Sarah Wayne Callies
1-10 Get Your Hopes Up--01/13/2023
A box truck crashes into the station, causing a power outage and triggering a dangerous fire. Meanwhile, Sharon and Bode's ex-girlfriend, Cara face multiple medical emergencies.
Written by: Natalia Fernandez
Directed by: Laura Nisbet Peters
1-11 Mama Bear--01/20/2023
A former inmate firefighter harboring a grudge against Sharon returns to carry out his revenge.
Written by: David Gould
Directed by: Anton Cooper