Synopsis: Night Is Not Eternal is a deeply personal exploration of political activism through the eyes of Chinese American filmmaker Nanfu Wang. For over seven years, Nanfu follows Rosa María Payá, a young Cuban activist and daughter of five-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Oswaldo Payá, in her fight for democratic change in Cuba. Driven by her own experiences in China, Nanfu is drawn to Rosa’s story and the parallels between their homelands. With intimate access, Nanfu follows Rosa’s journey from the streets of Havana to rallies and conferences worldwide, capturing her transformation from a grassroots activist to an international public figure, and documenting the challenges faced by activists resisting authoritarian regimes.
Interwoven with Rosa’s narrative are Nanfu’s poignant reflections on her Chinese upbringing and her observations of eroding democratic norms in the U.S., revealing unsettling similarities to the authoritarian system she left behind.
As Rosa relentlessly pursues freedom for Cuba, Nanfu documents the largest protests in Cuba since the 1959 revolution, drawing parallels to the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the 2022 “White Paper” nationwide demonstrations in China, and growing unrest in America. Through these events, the film underscores the universal human desire for freedom and the resilience of those who fight for it, while also serving as a reminder of the fragility of democracy and the need for vigilance in protecting it.
Night Is Not Eternal is a powerful meditation on political change and individual action against seemingly insurmountable odds. It reflects on the complexities of exile and small acts of defiance to create a narrative that crosses geographical boundaries exploring a universal longing for freedom.
The Cast:
Nanfu Wang
Rosa María Payá
Lia Villares
Ofelia Acevedo
Sayli Navarro Alvarez
Production Credits:
HBO Documentary Films presents Night Is Not Eternal . Produced and directed by Nanfu Wang; producer, Lori Cheatle. For HBO: executive producers, Nancy Abraham, Lisa Heller, and Sara Rodriguez.
Premiere Date:
It premiered Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 on HBO.
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