Synopsis: A cold-blooded murderer carrying a grudge in his heart and angst against the system, committed grotesque killings in Delhi. With the police relentlessly trying to decode the serial killing, the diabolical killer left everyone involved perplexed and sent shivers down their spine. With its upcoming true crime docu-series Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi, Netflix is all set to unfold the story of this gruesome killer by decoding his psyche and uncovering details of what actually went down.
The docu-series painstakingly explains the sequence of events that led up to the arrest of this brutal murderer who dismembered his victims and scattered their body parts around the city. What followed the murders was a cat and mouse chase and an urgency for the cops to catch the killer before he claimed his next victim. Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi covers the Delhi Police's investigation, succession of the case and their race against time to arrest the criminal and understand the rationale behind his action. (Courtesy Netflix, 2022)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Director - Ayesha Sood
Executive Producers - Samira Kanwar, Ashwin Rai Shetty, Vatsala Aron, Niharika Kotwal
Director of Photography - Linesh Desai
Editor - Anupama Chabukswar
Creative Producer - Nandita Gupta
Series Producer - Srusti Jain
Music - Salvage Audio Collective
Motion Design & Animation - Plexus Motion
The Episodes:
1-01 Episode 1--07/20/2022
In 2006, a stranger leaves a beheaded body outside a Delhi jail with a note challenging the police to catch him. It isn't his first - or his last -murder.
1-02 Episode 2--07/20/2022
During interrogation, Chandrakant shares is fraught history with the police. Investigators face a challenging search for conclusive evidence.
1-03 Episode 3--07/20/2022
Ghosal residents offer powerful accounts and photos from Chandrakant's past. Experts discuss the case's mental health and social implications.