Synopsis: FX’s English Teacher is a comedy series created by Brian Jordan Alvarez, in which he stars as “Evan Marquez,” a high school teacher in Austin, Texas who often finds himself at the intersection of the personal, professional and political aspects of working at a high school.
Evan wants to be a principled person but often runs into trouble because of it. By Evan’s side at Morrison-Hensley High is his friend group of other teachers. Chief among them is his best friend “Gwen Sanders” (Stephanie Koenig), the eager and optimistic history teacher who tends to see the best in people, even when she probably shouldn’t. Then there’s PE teacher “Markie Hillridge” (Sean Patton). Though he can seem gruff and abrasive, beneath the surface, he possesses a knowledge of human nature that often proves valuable to Evan. When they aren’t disagreeing, Markie and Evan share a genuine bond… but they’re usually disagreeing.
“Principal Grant Moretti” (Enrico Colantoni) wants nothing more than peace and the path of least resistance—a path Evan is rarely willing to take. While Grant keeps his own opinions close to the vest, he respects Evan’s passion, even if it makes his own job more difficult. Guidance Counselor “Rick” (Carmen Christopher) barely wants to be at this school—he sees himself as an entrepreneur—but still loves hanging out with the other teachers. Evan’s ex-boyfriend “Malcolm” (Jordan Firstman) is a former teacher at Morrison. Wild and free-thinking, Malcolm often draws Evan back into a pseudo-relationship.
When Grant informs Evan that he is being placed under investigation for a long-dormant incident where he and Malcolm kissed in front of students, Evan suddenly feels that he’s under a microscope and is being targeted for his sexuality. Evan is left with one rule to abide by: no relationships with faculty… only to meet “Harry” (Langston Kerman), a charming new teacher who seems to be interested in him.
Over the eight-episode season, we follow Evan as he navigates his relationships, his students and his fellow faculty and tries to answer the question: can you really be your full self at your job? (Courtesy FX, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Created by Brian Jordan Alvarez, FX’s English Teacher is executive produced by Alvarez, Paul Simms, Jonathan Krisel and Dave King. Kathryn Dean, Jake Bender and Zach Dunn serve as co-executive producers. English Teacher is produced by FX Productions.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (FX)
1-01 Linda--
Evan gives failing grades to an entire class and faces the wrath of a parent from his past.
Written by: Jake Bender & Zach Dunn
Directed by: Jonathan Krisel
1-02 Powderpuff-
Evan brings in an old friend to help save a school performance.
Written by: Stephanie Koenig
Directed by: Brian Jordan Alvarez
Written by: Dave King
Directed by: Brian Jordan Alvarez
Written by: Brian Jordan Alvarez
Directed by:
Written by: Brian Jordan Alvarez
Directed by:
1-07 Convention--10/07/2024
The teachers attend the Dallas Teaching and Learning Conference.
Written by: Brian Jordan Alvarez & Jake Bender & Zach Dunn & Dave King
Directed by: Kathryn Dean.
1-08 Birthday--10/14/2024
Malcolm throws a surprise birthday party for Evan at a gay bar.
Written by: Brian Jordan Alvarez
Directed by: Brian Jordan Alvarez.
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