Synopsis: Sunny stars Rashida Jones as Suzie, an American woman living in Kyoto, Japan, whose life is upended when her husband and son disappear in a mysterious plane crash. As “consolation” she’s given Sunny, one of a new class of domestic robots made by her husband’s electronics company. Though at first Suzie resents Sunny’s attempts to fill the void in her life, gradually they develop an unexpected friendship, as together they uncover the dark truth of what really happened to Suzie’s family, becoming dangerously enmeshed in a world Suzie never knew existed. (Courtesy Apple TV+, 2024)
The Cast:
Rashida Jones as Suzie
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Joanna Sotomura
Judy Ongg
annie the clumsy
Jun Kunimura
Production Credits:
Sunny is written and executive produced by Kate Robbins, through her shingle Babka Pictures. Lucy Tcherniak executive produces for Poppycock Pictures. A24 and Jones also serve as executive producers. The series is based on the book “Dark Manual" by Japan-based award-winning Irish writer Colin O’Sullivan.
Executive producer: Ravi Nandan
Executive producer: Jess Lubben
Executive producer: Rashida Jones
Executive producer: Nancy Won
Co-executive producer: Ken Kobayashi
Supervising producer: Sarah Sutherland
Produced by: Nellie Nugiel
Producer: Nathan Reinhart
Producer: Georgina Pope
Co-producer: Blaine Williams
Co-producer: Sydney Coleman
Associate producers: Jennifer Wilkinson, Mayumi Yoshida
Associate producer: Armen Fetulagian
Associate producer: Sidney Wolkinsky
Staff Writer: Julissa Castillo
The Episodes
Season One Episode Guide (Apple TV+)
Written by:
Directed by:
Guest stars: Fares Belkheir; Shin Shimizu; Anam Sekiguchi; Kazunari Yanagitani; Nao Maruyama; Fabito Yamono; Mayumi Yoshida as Additional Sunny Japanese Dialogue; Akiko Iwase as Crisis Manager; Tadashi Watanabe as Handsome Man; Oto Yashino as Woman With Glasses; Chiharu Hasegawa as Pregnant Woman; Saya Yoshida as Elderly Woman, Yaeko Kimura as Griever #1
1-03 Mmmm, Hinoki--07/17/2024
Suzie, Sunny, and Mixxy make a discovery. Noriko pressures Suzie to have a proper funeral for Masa.
1-05 Joey Sakamoto--07/31/2024
Sunny and Suzie flee Kyoto with Mixxy to take refuge at her family's farm.
1-08 Trash Or No-Trash--08/21/2024
In the past, Masa slowly emerges from hikikomori.
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