Synopsis: When Graham decides to surprise his family by traveling home for Christmas, he is shocked to discover them already celebrating with an unexpected guest of honor, his ex-fiancée, Ali. The two exes battle it out to see who the family will pick to stay through Christmas Day and who must go. Let the holiday chaos begin! (Courtesy Freevee, 2023)
The Cast:
Leighton Meester as Ali
Robbie Amell as Graham
Michael Hitchcock as Dennis
Kathryn Greenwood as Jeannie
Veronika Slowikowska as Mindy
Steven Huy as Elliott
Thomas Cadrot as Brady
Donna Benedicto as Jess
Daniel Bacon as Mr. Tusk
Lucas Chadwick as Fat Mike
Emily Schoen as Quinn
Sofia Irene Worsley as Little Girl
Eleanor Walker as Elderly Churchgoer
CJ Wilkins as Uber Driver/Server
Brittany Hobson as Mother
Dana Stoutenberg as Young Doctor
Spencer John Borgeson as Randy
Rachel Risen as Neethal
Production Credits:
Written by: Dan Steele
Directed by: Jonah Feingold
Producers: Richard Alan Reid, Michael Philip and Jason Moring
Produced by: Buzzfeed Studios
Premiere Date:
It premiered Friday, November 17th, 2023 on Freevee.