Synopsis: Featuring new revelations and unprecedented access, this doucuseries digs into the disappearance of 25-year-old Sheena Bora and the shocking aftermath. (Courtesy Neflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
1-01 Episode 1--
Sheena Bora's alleged murder sparks a breathless media frenzy. Secret phone recordings emerge. Vidhie Mukerjea recalls her mother Indrani's arrest.
1-02 Episode 2--
Indrani Mukerjea's revelations about her past take a disturbing turn. As Peter Mukerjea's role is questioned, speculations of a cover-up grow.
1-03 Episode 3--
The rise and fall of the Mukerjea empire plays out in the media. Rahul and Sheena's romance sparks tension. Mekhail Bora reveals his harrowing tale.
1-04 Episode 4--
Messages and emails allegedly from Sheena add confusion to a bizarre case. Rahul Makerjea takes the stand while journalists pursue the truth.