Synopsis: Bold & Bougie follows dynamic personalities Malaysia Pargo, an entrepreneur and mother of three, coming off an eye-opening year; Tameka Foster, a wardrobe stylist to Hollywood’s elite, podcaster, author and passionate mother, who is embracing her soon-to-be empty nester life; Gocha Hawkins, a restaurateur, mother of two and a grandmother of four who is now living in her “unfiltered unapologetic” era with her wife; Princess Banton-Lofters, a successful talent scout, television producer, business owner, and mother on a quest to get the recognition she deserves and Crystal Smith, a restaurant owner and single mother of three ready to reclaim her power following a tumultuous year that included a public divorce from a famous ex. These women are determined to live unapologetically on their own terms and rewrite their narrative. Spending their entire lives being cheerleaders for others, now, it’s their turn to be the center of attention as they support each other and form an unbreakable sisterhood.
In each hour-long episode, witness the growing pains that come from love, loss – and hangovers, because they still know how to have a good time. As they celebrate milestones, the women showcase their vibrant personalities and zest for life. However, this sisterhood does not come without its challenges. From career aspirations to personal relationships, each faces unique challenges and triumphs. Some must confront and mend strained relationships, while others lean on each other during both the highs and lows of their journeys. Above all, these women have one common mission: To survive in this dog-eat-dog world, they’ll need to change their narrative and how they have previously been perceived by those around them. Whether it’s learning to finally embrace the maternal relationship between mother and child, or breaking free from the chains of marriage, these women will find their stride in getting their bags, their partners and, overall, their respect. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt women can have it all— without compromise. (Courtesy WE tv, 2024)
Production Credits:
Bold & Bougie is produced by Kingdom Reign Entertainment with CEO Carlos King serving as Executive Producer, Rajah Ahmed VP, Current & Alternative Content, as Co-EP and Brent Nisbett as Showrunner. Angela Molloy, SVP Development & Original Production, Unscripted, Ashley McFarlin, VP Development & Original Production, Scripted and Noella Charles, VP Development & Original Production, Unscripted, Executive Produce for WE tv.
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