BECTU Survey Shows Four Out Of 10 UK TV & Movie Workers Plan To Leave Industry

The Broadcasting, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union, which represents 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the UK media and entertainment industries, has released the results of a survey of 2,375 workers and the results are grim.

According to the survey, nearly four out of 10 (38%) film and TV workers plan to leave the sector within five years. The number is significantly higher for workers with a minority ethnic background, with nearly half (44%) of Black respondents, 41% of Asian respondents, and 40% of respondents from mixed or multiple ethnic groups reporting their likely exit from the industry compared with 37% of white respondents.

The unemployment rate in the UK entertainment industry remains higher than the historical norm, although it has continued to drop over the past year.

52% of the industry workforce remains out of work, although that has fallen from the 75% rate that was reported in September 2023 and February's 68% unemployment rate.

The unscripted TV genre has taken the hardest hit, with 57% of people out of work and 53% indicating they plan to leave the industry.

The survey also reports that 81% of entertainment industry workers are struggling financially as a result of the decline in jobs, while seven out of 10 report they are struggling with their mental wellbeing. 

“Clearly, little has materially improved for the workforce and discussions must be laser focused on how we can collectively make things better for workers, who are critical to the sector’s success but continue to bear the brunt of industry changes," said Head of Bectu Philippa Childs.

“Our findings speak for themselves – if the industry doesn’t take tangible and collective action soon, we will see a huge skills exodus and a further deterioration in industry diversity, alongside prolonged mental health challenges and debilitating financial difficulties.”