Synopsis: On December 26, 1996, John and Patsy Ramsey woke up the morning after a loving family Christmas to discover their youngest child, six-year-old JonBenét, was missing, a chilling ransom note left downstairs. Later that day, John Ramsey discovered his daughter's body in the basement, revealing the shocking truth that JonBenét had not been kidnapped, but was instead sexually assaulted and brutally murdered in their own home.
The Boulder, Colorado police, who had little practical experience in homicide investigations, quickly cast suspicion on JonBenét's family as the most likely suspects, fanning the flames of media scrutiny and largely one-sided reporting, turning the case into a national obsession. Twenty-eight years later, that obsession — and finger-pointing — hasn’t gone away, and the murder of JonBenét Ramsey remains unsolved. From Emmy-winning and Academy Award nominated director Joe Berlinger, this three-part docuseries investigates the mishandling of the case by law enforcement and the media. (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Director: Joe Berlinger
Executive Producers: Joe Berlinger, Craig D’Entrone, Jon Kamen, Jen Isaacson
Co-Producer: Tim Young
The Episodes:
Movies And Specials: 'Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis Rick Ellis
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