Synopsis: Host Donnie Wahlberg chronicles the dark and twisted lives of an array of diabolical criminals, such as Charles Manson, Aileen Wuornos, John Wayne Gacy, the Rev Jim Jones, and many others. (Courtesy Investigation Discovery, 2019)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Investigation Discovery)
Season Two Episode Guide (Investigation Discovery)
Season Three Episode Guide (Investigation Discovery)
Season Four Episode Guide (Investigation Discovery)
Season Five Episode Guide (Investigation Discovery)
5-01 The Trailside Killer--04/16/2023
A killer stalks California, the clues are scarce, until one victim gets away.
5-02 The Cleveland Strangler--12/15/2024
Anthony Sowell appears to be a helpful member of his Cleveland neighborhood, and he uses those charms to lure unsuspecting women into his modest house. However, once inside, he turns into the devil and leaves a twisted trail of torture, rape and murder.