Synopsis: In a heartfelt return, Oscar and Grammy-winning comedy icon Jamie Foxx takes the stage for a groundbreaking special following his 2023 hospitalization. "If I can stay funny, I can stay alive," he declares, as he sets the record straight with humor and vulnerability. Amidst laughter and applause, Jamie expresses deep gratitude to those who prayed and supported his recovery, turning this performance into a touching thank you to his fans. This comedy event is a celebration of resilience, humor, and the power of community, reminding us all of the healing power of laughter. (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Executive Producers: Jamie Foxx, Marcus King, Datari Turner, James Longman, Raj Kapoor, Hamish Hamilton, Katy Mullan
Directed By: Hamish Hamilton
Production Companies: Foxxho
Premiere Date:
It premiered Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 on Netflix.
Movies And Specials: 'Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was...'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis