Synopsis: ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chief’s Clothing is a true-crime documentary that follows the harrowing story of Kansas City Chiefs superfan and serial bank robber Xaviar Babudar—famously known as "ChiefsAholic." Recognized for his distinctive wolf costume and boisterous social media antics, Babudar rose to fame as one of Kansas City’s most fervent fans. However, a secret life came to light when he was arrested in Bixby, Oklahoma, unraveling a series of unsolved bank robberies committed across the Midwest. Through interviews granted by Babudar himself, ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing explores critical moments in the events surrounding Babudar’s initial arrest, and offers a firsthand perspective on his subsequent journey. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Presented by Prime Video, ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing is produced by DreamCrew Entertainment, North of Now, and Five All in the Fifth Entertainment and directed by Dylan Sires. ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing is executive produced by Aubrey Drake Graham, Adel “Future” Nur, Peter Nelson, and Jason Shrier of DreamCrew Entertainment; Andrew Renzi and Nick Boak of North of Now; and Douglas Banker of Five All in the Fifth.
Movies And Specials: 'ChiefsAholic: A Wolf In Chief’s Clothing'
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- By Rick Ellis