Synopsis: A Little Women’s Christmas is a contemporary retelling of the beloved classic novel, following the lives and loves of the March sisters in a small Tennessee town at Christmas. The one-and-only Gladys Knight performs “Joy.” (Courtesy Great American Family, 2024)
The Cast:
Jillian Murray as Joe March
Trevor Donovan as Friedrich “Fritz” Baehr
Jen Lilley as Meg March
Laura Osnes as Beth March
Julia Reilly as Amy March
Jesse Hutch as Jesse
Production Credits:
A Little Women’s Christmas is directed by Brandon Clark. The original movie adaptation is written by Dione Sheehan and Taylor Bird. Executive Producers are Brian Bird, Brandon Clark, Tai Truesdell, Darin Chavez, Brian Williams, Charly White, Lori Overholt, William McDowell, Joyce Miller Roy, Jesse Hutch, and Gladys Knight. Produced by Rodney Eldredge. A Little Women’s Christmas is produced by True Brand Entertainment, Third Coast Film, and Empress of Soul Productions.
Premiere Date:
It premiered on Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 on Great American Family.
Movies And Specials: 'A Little Women's Christmas'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis