Synopsis: From a California Christmas ice kingdom and an underwater holiday mermaid show, to an extravagant festive boat parade and a turbo-charged manmade Santa-sleigh, “Xtreme Xmas” takes viewers inside America's most unusual, wild, wacky, awe-inspiring and bizarre Christmas celebrations. We'll crisscross the country featuring the men and women who take Christmas celebrations to ultimate heights, and dive deep into holiday celebrations unlike any other – including a Christmas golf cart parade in Florida, a holiday doggie dress-up contest in Conway, SC, an all-night rave in San Francisco aptly titled "The Elf Party" and more. (Courtesy Travel Channel, 2013)
The Cast:
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Premiere Date:
It premiered Sunday, December 15th, 2013 on the Travel Channel.
Movies And Specials: 'Xtreme Xmas'
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- By Rick Ellis