Synopsis: Following the events of The Thundermans Return, The Thundermans: Undercover follows Phoebe and Max, who are sent undercover to handle a new threat in the seaside town of Secret Shores and bring Chloe along with them to develop her superhero talent. This new threat soon involves the mysterious villain Mastermind who is plotting to create a new incarnation of the Villain League by calling all villains to come to Secret Shores. (Courtesy Nickelodeon, 2025)
The Cast:
Kira Kosarin as Phoebe Thunderman
Jack Griffo as Max Thunderman
Maya Le Clark as Chloe Thunderman
Nathan Broxton as Jinx
Kinley Cunningham as Kombucha
Daran Norris as Thunderford
Dana Snyder as the voice of Dr. Colosso
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Nickelodeon)
1-01 Thundercover--01/22/2025
Worried that Chloe's friends are fake, when Max and Phoebe receive a mission to go undercover in Secret Shores, they bring Chloe along with them so she can make real friends and live a normal life.
Written by: Jed Spingarn & Sean W. Cunningham & Marc Dworkin
Directed by: Trevor Kirschner
1-02 Faulty Powers--01/22/2025
1-03 Bummer School--01/29/2025