Synopsis: Amazon Wish List Games, a multi-episode holiday event, is produced by MGM Alternative. Content creator Lele Pons will join Emmy-nominated host Nick Cannon on this high-energy, half-hour game show where contestants play for the chance to win everything on their Amazon Wish Lists, totaling up to $25,000. Every episode, contestants are pulled from the audience to play a rotating series of fun and fantastical games. It all builds to the final round, where one contestant plays to win a prize for everyone in the audience. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
Alycia Rossiter is showrunner and executive producer of Amazon Wish List Games along with Cannon who serves as Executive Producer. Sean Kelly, Steve Hughes, Jessie Binkow and Susan Janis-Mashayekhi are co-executive producers of the series.