Synopsis: Jack Cooper decides that he and his ten-year-old daughter, Grace, will spend their first Christmas since his wife's passing in her hometown. Focused on his daughter's happiness, Jack gets more than he bargained for when Grace becomes determined to make her own Christmas wish come true by matching him up with a local shop owner who's struggling to keep her family business alive. (Courtesy The Roku Channel, 2024)
The Cast:
Joey McIntyre as Jack Cooper
Michelle Morgan
Production Credits:
Jingle Bell Love is produced by Incendo. Graham Ludlow, Kaleigh Kavanagh, and Shari Segal serve as executive producers. The film is created by Daren Flam and Stefanie Black and directed by Anne De Léan. On behalf of Roku Originals, Morgan Pichinson is Scripted Content Lead, and Sabrina Lyall is Scripted Coordinator.
Premiere Date:
It premiered Monday, November 18th, 2024 on The Roku Channel