Synopsis: Traverse the planet’s richest, most diverse woodlands, from the tropics to the poles and everywhere in between. Get to know the wild residents of these magical ecosystems and learn how forests connect and nurture the lives of countless species. (Courtesy NatGeo Wild, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (NatGeo Wild)
1-01 Tropical--12/06/2024
Find good magic, and visit the dark side of the world’s tropical forests.
1-02 Seasonal--12/06/2024
Flora and fauna help each other navigate seasonal changes in the forest.
1-03 Waterworlds--12/13/2024
Dive into amphibious ecosystems where trees and water meet to nurture life.
1-04 Mountains--12/13/2024
Find out how animal resourcefulness ensures survival at high altitudes.
1-05 Boreal--12/20/2024
Scope out the secret superpowers of animals who thrive in the Arctic forests.
1-06 Extreme--12/20/2024
Unlock survival strategies in some of the driest terrain Earth has to offer.