Synopsis: Sisters' Feud tells the story of the confrontation between Perla and Antonia, two sisters divided by love and betrayal. After years of manipulation, Perla discovers that her daughter, taken by Antonia, is actually alive. Determined, she enters prison to save her, unleashing a vengeance that redefines her family and her destiny. A fierce struggle for justice and redemption ensues, with power and love at stake. (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Ana Serradilla as Perla
Claudia Álvarez as Antonia
Christian Tappan as Bernardo
Ana Valeria Becerril as Jacinta
Erick Elías as Efraín
Bernardo Flores as Pedro
Sabrina Seara as Consuelo
Julio Casado as Máximo
Sebastián Dante as Lucas
Regina Pavón as Sofía
Tatiana del Real as Ana
Alejandra Ambrosi as Julia
Ofelia Medina as Clara
Production Credits:
Written by: José Ignacio Valenzuela
Directed by: Carlos Villegas
Produced by: Mariana Iskandarani, Roberto Stopello and Valeria Martino