Synopsis: In the late 1960s, a runaway bride named Covey disappears into the surf off the coast of Jamaica and is feared drowned or a fugitive on the run for her husband’s murder. In present day California, a widow named Eleanor Bennett, loses her battle with cancer, leaving her two estranged children, Byron and Benny, a flash drive that holds previously untold stories of her journey from the Caribbean to America. These stories, narrated by Eleanor, shock her children and challenge everything they thought they knew about their family’s origin. (Courtesy Hulu, 2023)
The Cast:
Mia Isaac
Adrienne Warren
Chipo Chung
Ashley Thomas
Lashay Anderson
Faith Alabi
Glynn Turman
Ahmed Eljah
Simon Wan
Sonita Henry
Production Credits:
From Charmaine Wilkerson’s best-selling novel “Black Cake,” Marissa Jo Cerar serves as showrunner and executive producer. The series is executive produced by Oprah Winfrey, Aaron Kaplan, Carla Gardini, Brian Morewitz, Charmaine Wilkerson, and Michael Lohmann. Black Cake is a Two Drifters, Harpo Films, ABC Signature, and Kapital Entertainment production.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Covey--11/01/2023
In the late 1960’s, a runaway bride named Covey disappears into the surf off the coast of Jamaica. In present day, Eleanor Bennett, loses her battle with cancer, leaving her two estranged children a flash-drive that holds untold stories of her past.
1-02 Coventina--11/01/2023
Byron and Benny struggle to process the revelations learned in Eleanor’s first recording. Will their mother’s confessions help them reconnect or leave them feeling more lost than ever?
1-03 Eleanor--11/01/2023
Covey finds herself alone in a new city determined to start a new life – with a stolen identity.
1-04 Mrs. Bennett--11/08/2023
Covey gets a chance to start a new life, but only if she makes a huge sacrifice. In present day, Byron is forced to recognize the inequalities he faces at work, and Benny reveals the reason she’s been estranged from her family for eight years.
1-05 Mother--11/15/2023
Byron and Benny must each face demons from their past—and their mother’s.
1-06 Ma--11/22/2023
Benny and Byron are shocked when a stranger shows up, unannounced, to listen to Eleanor’s final recording.
1-07 Birth Mother--11/29/2023
In 1970’s London, Covey is faced with a life-altering decision that will affect her children in present day.
1-08 --12/06/2023
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