Synopsis: The Wranglers follows the lives of young staff members working at the Circle Bar Dude Ranch in Montana. In this cowboy paradise, guests escape their fast-paced lives and experience the true American West. The staff members of the Dude Ranch, also known as “wranglers,” work tirelessly to cater to the needs of their demanding clients while also juggling their personal lives and the inherent drama that comes from living and working with a group of attractive and independent cowboys and cowgirls.
The staff has a “work hard, play hard” mentality; these co-eds are responsible professionals by day but retreat back to their 20-something-year-old selves and lose all inhibitions by night. It's a tricky balance as the wranglers navigate their personal and professional lives at this remote resort nestled in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. (Courtesy The CW, 2024)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
The Wranglers is produced by Sharp Entertainment, a part of Sony Pictures Television, for The CW. Matt Sharp, Dan Adler, Amy Bonezzi, Becca Gullion and Dan Morando serve as executive producers. Nina Giannelli and Josh Wade serve as co-executive producers.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (The CW)
1-01 Welcome To Circle Bar--10/14/2024
The new group of wranglers help a multi-generational group of women reconnect with their past, while a rodeo competition helps narrow down who will be the new Head Wrangler.
1-02 You're A Sinner--10/21/2024
A new chef named Robin arrives. Carleigh loses faith in Vern when she gets back late from a wedding trip, putting her chances of becoming Head Wrangler in jeopardy.
1-03 Studs And Duds--10/28/2024
New ranch workers Chase and Royce arrive to start the party, while a group of city boys visit the ranch and become competitive with the female wranglers.
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