Synopsis: Zombies: The Re-Animated Series invites us into the daily lives of Zed, Addison, Eliza, Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, A-spen, Bree and the entire Seabrook crew. The friends may have figured out each other, but they haven't quite figured out how to survive high school, so alien tech allows them to transport to an alternate timeline and re-do their senior year. (Courtesy Disney, 2024)
The Cast:
Milo Manheim as Zed
Meg Donnelly as Addison
Terry Hu as A-Spen
Chandler Kinney as Willa
Pearce Joza as Wyatt
Ariel Martin as Wynter
Carla Jeffery as Bree
Trevor Tordjman as Bucky
Kylee Russell as Eliza
James Godfrey as Bonzo
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Disney)
1-01 Re-Senior Year / I Scream Zoda
Zed, Addison, and the Seabrook crew get to redo their senior year together. Zed creates a new drink called “zoda” that transforms the entire school into “zoda” obsessed zombies.
1-02 Rage Against the Vending Machine / Young, Wild and Free Period
Eliza and Bucky compete to see whose vending machine is better. Zed and Addison use their free period to help the stressed-out A-spen learn to let loose.