Synopsis: Group disappearances, ghosts, mysterious blobs. All across North America, ordinary people experience extraordinary and bizarre phenomena that seemingly can’t be explained. Or can they? The docuseries Files of the Unexplained — produced by Vox (Explained; The Mind, Explained) — investigates eight haunting encounters that may make you start second-guessing everything you’ve ever known. Or, at least, you may be more wary of blobs from now on.
Each episode explores seemingly inexplicable tales told by those who experienced them — from apparitions witnessed by guests at a plantation to a series of drownings in Georgia. The episodes review an alien abduction in Mississippi, the U.S. government’s investigation of more than 650 unidentified objects and lights, severed feet washing ashore on the West Coast, and more. The series contextualizes each event with news stories, documentation, witness testimony, and expert analysis.
The series discusses events that occurred in Pascagoula, Mississippi; Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana; Lake Lanier in Georgia; Mount Shasta in California; across Washington State; and in the Salish Sea in British Columbia. (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)