Synopsis: Based on Marvel's hit comic books, the series follows the adventures of 13-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette and her 10-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur, whom she accidentally brings through time into present-day New York City. Equipped with Devil's fierce loyalty and brawn, the loving support of her family and best friend Casey, Lunella sets out to make a difference and protect her Lower East Side neighborhood from danger.
The season one guest cast includes Gideon Adlon, Pamela Adlon, Anna Akana, Ian Alexander, Alison Brie, May Calamawy, Andy Cohen, Wilson Cruz, Daveed Diggs, Asia Kate Dillon, Luis Guzmán, Maya Hawke, Jennifer Hudson, Dr. Mae Jemison, Josh Keaton, June Diane Raphael, Paul Scheer, Cobie Smulders, Wesley Snipes and Tajinae Turner. (Coutesy Disney Channel, 2021)
The Cast:
White as Lunella Lafayette
Alfre Woodard as Lunella's grandmother, Mimi
Libe Barer as Lunella's best friend and manager, Casey
Sasheer Zamata as Lunella's mom, Adria
Jermaine Fowler as Lunella's dad, James Jr.
Gary Anthony Williams as Lunella's grandfather, Pops
Laurence Fishburne in the recurring role of The Beyonder, a curious and mischievous trickster
Omid Abtahi
Utkarsh Ambudkar
Michael Cimino
Indya Moore
Craig Robinson
Production Credits:
Produced by Disney Television Animation, the series is executive produced by Fishburne and Helen Sugland's Cinema Gypsy Productions and Steve Loter (Kim Possible).
For season two, Rodney Clouden (Futurama) and Pilar Flynn (Elena of Avalor) are co-executive producers; Kate Kondell (The Pirate Fairy) is co-executive producer and story editor; Halima Lucas (La Brea) is co-producer and story editor; Ben Juwono (Big Hero 6 The Series) is co-producer and supervising director; Chris Whittier (Big Hero 6 The Series) and Jose Lopez (Transformers Prime) are art directors; Rafael Chaidez (Kung Fu Panda) is producer.