Synopsis: In the first season, the multigenerational family drama introduced viewers to Kat Landry (Leigh), her teen daughter Alice (Laflamme-Snow) and Kat’s mother Del (MacDowell), three generations of women who are strong, willful and independent. After being estranged for nearly two decades following the unsolved disappearance of Kat’s eight-year-old brother Jacob (Remy Smith) and untimely death of family patriarch Colton Landry (Jefferson Brown) that prompted Kat to move away from her Canadian farm town of Port Haven, Kat moves back with Alice when she finds herself at a crossroads in life. Shortly after arriving, Alice unwittingly discovers the ability to travel between the past and present via a pond on the family’s land. Soon, Kat and Alice become determined to unearth the truth about these past tragedies and attempt to change the course of events. Elliot (Williams), Kat’s childhood friend who always held a torch for her, is there in the present to help guide both of them in their journey, as well as in the past for Alice as his teen self (David Webster).
season three picks up where season two left off – with Kat (Chyler Leigh) and her brother Jacob (Spencer Macpherson), who went missing more than two decades ago at the age of eight and is now an adult, poised to walk into the Landry home to an unsuspecting Del (Andie MacDowell). Viewers will be introduced to a new era where Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) will visit. During her time there, she meets compelling characters whose stories add context to the history of the Landrys and provide answers to some questions…but open up new ones. Kat attempts to close the door on the 1800s after making startling discoveries. In the present day she and Elliot (Evan Williams) navigate a new chapter in their relationship, while he finds himself faced with his own complicated past. (Courtesy Hallmark, 2024)
The Cast:
Chyler Leigh as Katherine "Kat" Landry
Evan Williams as Elliot Augustine
Sadie Laflamme-Snow as Alice Dhawan
Andie MacDowell as Del Landry
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hallmark)
1-01 Mothers And Daughters--01/15/2023
1-02 Scar Tissue--01/22/2023
1-03 I Don't Want To Miss A Thing--01/29/2023
1-04 What's My Age Again?--02/05/2023
1-05 Don't Dream It's Over--02/19/2023
1-06 Building A Mystery--02/26/2023
1-07 The End Of The World As We Know It--03/05/2023
1-08 Lovefool--03/12/2023
1-09 The Day The Music Died--03/19/2023
1-10 Not All Who Wander Are Lost--03/26/2023
Season Two Episode Guide (Hallmark)
Season two starts where the shocking season one finale left off and had viewers on the edge of their seats – with Kat exclaiming to Del that she knows what happened to Jacob. As Kat continues her quest to find Jacob and bring him home, she and Alice uncover unexpected revelations about their origins that bring answers to some questions while new ones are raised.
2-01 The Space Between--01/21/2024
Del (Andie MacDowell) recreates traditions of family summers past, Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) misses her friends, and Kat (Chyler Leigh) grapples with Jacob’s mystery in the wake of losing Elliot (Evan Williams).
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