Synopsis: An adaptation of Kangfull's hit webtoon of the same name, Light Shop follows six strangers, each grappling with a traumatic event from their past. As they go about their daily lives, they slowly begin to realize something is very wrong - they just can't figure out what.
Desperate for answer and searching for a way back to normalcy, the strangers are drawn to a mysterious light shop at the end of a foreboding alleyway, which holds the key to their past, present and future.
Full of mystery and intrigue, Light Shop promises to take viewers on an emotional journey through its unique ad heart wrenching premise (Courtesy Hulu, 2024)
The Cast:
Ju Jihoon
Park Boyoung
Bae Seongwoo
Lee Jungeun
Kim Minha
Production Credits:
The series is adapted for the screen by Kangfull (Moving) and is directed by Kim Hiewon
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
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