Synopsis: Asaf is an ordinary driver with strong moral values, trying to find a way to get his life back on track after his separation from his wife and son. Following an unfortunate traffic accident, he gets entangled with the wrong people and finds himself sucked into a world of mystery. His life will never be the same. (Courtesy Netflix, 2024)
The Cast:
Cihangir Ceyhan as Asaf
Burçin Terzioğlu as Sema
Saadet Işıl Aksoy as Rüya
Ahmet Rıfat Şungar as Cüneyt
Rıza Kocaoğlu as Nasuh
Serra Arıtürk as Meltem
Çağdaş Onur Öztürk as Murat
Fatih Al as Kemal
Umut Kurt as Akif
Uygar Özçelik as Harun
Tayanç Ayaydin as Aziz
Hakan Karsak as Servet
Mehmet Şeker as Şerif
Umut Kaplıca
Sema Keçik as Nermin
Production Credits:
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