Synopsis: Ride is a multigenerational family drama that follows the lives of the McMurrays, a tight-knit family that embarks on a journey of self-discovery on the heels of a tragic loss as they uncover a twisted web of secrets that threatens to tear the family and their Colorado town apart. At the center is Cash McMurray (Beau Mirchoff, Good Trouble, The Fosters), a champion bull-rider with a complicated past who yearns to escape his older brother’s shadow as the fate of the family dynasty falls into his hands.
The strong women of the family – matriarch Isabel (Nancy Travis) who struggles with her son taking up the dangerous family mantle, former rodeo queen Missy (Tiera Skovbye, Riverdale, Nurses) and “adopted” runaway Valeria (Sara Garcia, The Flash, Reign) – lock arms with Cash to save their land and stand strong against all challenges, come what may. (Courtesy Hallmark, 2023)
The Cast:
Nancy Travis as Isabel McMurray
Beau Mirchoff as Cash McMurray
Tiera Skovbye as Missy McMurray
Tyler Jacob Moore as Gus Booker
Sara Garcia as Valeria Galindo
Jake Foy as Tuff McMurray
Vasilios Filippakis as Julian Katsaros
Greg Lawson as Hank Hickson
Production Credits:
Ride is co-produced by Blink49 Studios and Seven24 Films, in partnership with Bell Media for CTV Drama Channel in Canada, based on an original script by husband and wife writing team Rebecca Boss and Chris Masi, who executive produce alongside Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Alex Zarowny. John Morayniss, Carolyn Newman and Virginia Rankin are executive producing for Blink49 Studios; Greg Gugliotta and F.J. Denny executive produce for Nitelite Entertainment; Elana Barry and Josh Adler executive produce for Circle of Confusion; and Jordy Randall and Tom Cox executive produce for Seven24 Films. Paolo Barzman directs and executive produces. Fifth Season handles the international distribution for the series.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hallmark)
1-01 Legend Of The Fall--03/26/2023
Following a tragic event, a renowned rodeo family tries to pick up the pieces to save their Colorado ranch.
Written by: Chris Masi and Rebecca Boss
Directed by: Paulo Barzman
1-02 Rodeo And Juliet--04/02/2023
Cash's ride at Boulder Rocky Mountain Rodeo puts the McMurrays back in business; Tuff and Valeria are forced to work on their friendship as they work to save the ranch.
Written by: Chris Masi and Rebecca Boss
Directed by: Paulo Barzman
1-03 The McMurray Curse--04/09/2023
The McMurrays gear up to host the annual Bull Riders League Gala; Isabel must spiff up the barn and her son Cash to impress judges; Missy is anxious about returning to trick riding.
Written by: Emily Silver
Directed by: Sara St. Onge
1-04 Estella--04/16/2023
Missy and Gus get closer when she agrees to give his niece a tour of the ranch; Valeria works her way into the ranch hand boys club via their traditional poker game.
Written by: Mark Haroun
Directed by: Sara St. Onge
1-05 When It Rains...--04/23/2023
Missy brings Cash as her plus-one to the Frontier BBQ, but Cash feels out of place when his biggest competition, Hudson Cooper, shows up too.
Written by: Jen Rivas-DeLoose
Directed by: Paolo Barzman
1-06 Your Cheatin' Heart--04/30/2023
The ranch throws its very own mini rodeo; Val barrel races, Missy trick rides, and even Cash gets back on a bull.
Written by: Alejandro Alcoba
Directed by: Paolo Barzman
1-07 Ride Or Die--05/07/2023
Missy heads to Denver to host the Miss Rodeo Mountain County Pageant. Isabel and Hank realize selling the town on the stadium deal will prove harder than expected.
Written by: Sherri Cooper and Jennifer Levin
Directed by: Bruce McDonald
1-08 Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace--05/14/2023
Romance is in the air when the McMurrays prepare to host a Booker family wedding at the ranch! Everyone has a role to play in preparing for the big day.
Written by: Alexandra Zarowny
Directed by: Bruce McDonald
1-09 Truths Laid Bare--05/21/2023
Valeria finally reveals the secrets of her past, and the full truth of Austin's secrets come to light, causing Cash to spiral into a dark and dangerous place.
Written by: Alexandra Zarowny and Sherri Cooper
Directed by: Paolo Barzman
1-10 Andalusians--05/28/2023
The National Cheyenne Rodeo gives Cash his final chance to win the Frontier deal. It's a race against time, and an unexpected twist will shock the McMurrays to the core.
Written by: Chris Masi and Rebecca Boss
Directed by: Paolo Barzman
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