Synopsis: At Christmastime, Charlotte (Pascal Limothe-Kipnes), Benedict (Matthew James Dowden) and Henry (Max Lloyd-Jones) are estranged siblings who return to their childhood home following the death of their beloved grandmother. They only have until Christmas Eve to overcome their differences and mutually agree on which of them will succeed their late grandmother on the board of their family's company. The homecoming also marks a reunion between Charlotte and her first love, Austin (Tanner Novlan), whose father was caretaker of the estate. Enter Annie Merkle (Rachel Boston), a heaven-sent visitor who arrives to help close out their grandmother's estate. In the process, she helps Charlotte, Benedict and Henry reconnect and reevaluate what they want in life as they come to surprising decisions and start down the path to new beginnings. (Courtesy Hallmark, 2024)
The Cast:
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Premiere Date:
It premiered Thursday, November 28th, 2024 on The Hallmark Channel
Movies And Specials: 'Debbie Macomber's Joyful Mrs Miracle'
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- By Rick Ellis