Synopsis: The Best Heart Attack of My Life tells the story of Ariel, a frustrated ghostwriter with a sarcastic sense of humor and a messy life, who falls into a crisis when his wife leaves him, and he suffers a heart attack while staying in a temporary rental house abroad with a girl he has just met. This event will not only give new meaning to his life but also to the lives of many people around him. (Courtesy Hulu, 2025)
The Cast:
Alan Sabbagh
Olivia Molina
Rogelio Gracia
Romina Peluffo
Brian Maya
Imanol Arias
Rita Cortese
Eleonora Wexler
Rafael Spregelburd
Sebastián Berta Muñiz
Daniel Holguin
Production Credits:
The Best Heart Attack of My Life is created and directed by Pablo E. Bossi, with Mariana Wainstein as co-director. The script was written by Lucas Figueroa with the collaboration of María Zanetti and Wainstein. Shot in different locations in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain, The Best Heart Attack of My Life is based on author Hernán Casciari’s own life, who suffered a heart attack in Montevideo in 2015. Casciari’s experience went viral after he shared it live on radio and other media.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Ariel--02/24/2025
Semi-depressed ghostwriter Ariel Santoro meets a seductive dancer just as his marriage implodes.
1-02 Ariel Y Concha--02/24/2025
Ariel and Concha’s wild night of excess in Uruguay ends in a medical emergency.
1-03 Alejandra Y Javier--02/24/2025
Airbnb hosts Javier and Alejandra face a medical emergency on their very first reservation.
1-04 Ariel, Javier, Alejandra Y Joe--02/24/2025
As Ariel recovers in the hospital, Concha disappears. Alejandra and Javier get a surprising message.
1-05 Concha, Joni Y Los Chungos--02/24/2025
After escaping a rigid family, Concha settles in Buenos Aires, where fate brings her to meet Ariel.
1-06 Toda La Orquesta--02/24/2025
Somewhere between heartbroken and inspired, Ariel begins working on his next book.
Show Guide: 'The Best Heart Attack Of My Life'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis