Synopsis: Diego de la Vega returns to California to avenge his father's murder. After assuming the title of Zorro, he initiates his struggle against Nah-Lin, a Native-American he believes stole his inheritance. Diego will confront the governor, the malevolent leader of the Chinese community and a secret society, placing the common good above all. In doing so, he will sacrifice his love for Lola. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
The Cast:
Miguel Bernardeau
Renata Notni
Dalia Xiuhcoatl
Emiliano Zurita
Elia Galera
Paco Tous
Rodolfo Sancho
Cristo Fernandez
Ana Layevska
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Prime Video)
1-01 The Chosen One--01/19/2024
1-02 Inheritance--01/19/2024
1-03 The Bet--01/19/2024
1-04 Revenge--01/19/2024
1-05 The Execution--01/19/2024
1-06 Mask Games--01/19/2024
1-07 The Myth--01/19/2024
1-08 The Wedding--01/19/2024
1-09 Unmasked--01/19/2024
1-10 The Three Funeral Mask Dance--01/19/2024