Synopsis: Following the thunderous battle between Godzilla and the Titans that leveled San Francisco and the shocking revelation that monsters are real, Monarch: Legacy Of Monsters tracks two siblings following in their father’s footsteps to uncover their family’s connection to the secretive organization known as Monarch. Clues lead them into the world of monsters and ultimately down the rabbit hole to Army officer Lee Shaw (played by Kurt Russell and Wyatt Russell), taking place in the 1950s and half a century later where Monarch is threatened by what Shaw knows. The dramatic saga — spanning three generations — reveals buried secrets and the ways that epic, earth-shattering events can reverberate through our lives. (Courtesy Apple TV+, 2023)
The Cast:
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Apple TV+, 2023)
1-01 Aftermath--
Cate travels to Japan to get answers about her father, only to uncover a shocking secret. Keiko, Lee and Billy pursue a theory about Titans.
1-02 Departure--
Monarch closes in on Kate, Kentaro, and May as they try to track down Lee Shaw. Keiko, Lee, and Billy witness something incredible.
1-03 Secrets & Lies--
Shaw leads the team on a mission to Alaska, where they encounter a monsterous threat. Keiko, Lee, and Billy present their findings to Puckett.
1-04 Parallels And Interiors--
The team is left stranded in the frozen tundra after a narrow escape. Kentaro reflects on his relationships.
1-05 The Way Out--
Cates painful memories of G-Day come flooding back as she treks through the ruins of San Francisco with Kentaro and May.
1-06 Terrifying Miracles--
Shaw finds an unlikely ally within Monarch as the team had a harrowing run-in. Keiko and Lee grow closer while at a military ball.
1-07 Will The Real May Please Stand Up?--
May finally faces her past. Duvall and Shaw follow traces of Godzilla and Hiroshi.
1-08 Birthright--
The team goes back to where things all began to confront Shaw. On the brink of collapse, Monarch takes drastic measures.
1-09 Axis Mundi--01/05/2024
Shaw and May search for Cate and make a startling discovery. Kentaro struggles with his loss.
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