Synopsis: Hard North follows a diverse group of young Canadians as they embark on a challenging four-season mission: to build a life in the vast and unforgiving Canadian wilderness. The series takes viewers on an adventure through some of the country's most remote and rugged landscapes as these aspiring homesteaders face the harsh realities of living off the land and strive to not just survive - but to thrive in these wild places, they now call home.
Created by Paul Kilback (Tornado Hunters, Mysteries from Above, Life Below Zero Canada), Hard North is an eight episode series following aspiring homesteaders Matty Clarke in Lake St. John, Newfoundland; Margot Bossus in Plata Trap-Line, Rogue Range, Yukon Territory; Billy Rioux in Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec; and couple Emily Veilleux and Gilbert Chookomoolin in Peawanuck, Ontario. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
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