Synopsis: A thrilling, contemporary mystery in classic noir style, Killer Heat follows private eye Nick Bali (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), an American expat in Greece, hired to investigate the accidental death of young shipping magnate Leo Vardakis (Richard Madden) on the island of Crete. The victim’s sister-in-law (Shailene Woodley) doesn’t believe the official police report. But what exactly happened to Leo, and why? Despite the sun-drenched beauty of its exotic Mediterranean locale, Nick finds darkness at every turn: where the rich and powerful Vardakis family rule like gods, where jealousies run deep, and anyone could be a suspect. (Courtesy Prime Video, 2024)
The Cast:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Richard Madden
Shailene Woodley
Production Credits:
Director: Phillipe Lacôte
Producer: Brad Weston
Premiere Date:
It premiered Thursday, September 26th, 2024 on Prime Video.
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