Synopsis: Based on Charles Yu’s award-winning book of the same name, the show follows the story of Willis Wu, a background character trapped in a police procedural called Black & White. Relegated to the background, Willis goes through the motions of his on-screen job, waiting tables and dreaming about a whole world beyond Chinatown. When he inadvertently becomes a witness to a crime, Willis begins to unravel a criminal web in Chinatown, his family’s buried history, and what it feels like to be in the spotlight. (Courtesy Hulu, 2023)
The Cast:
Jimmy O. Yang
Ronny Chieng
Chloe Bennet
Lisa Gilroy
Sullivan Jones
Archie Kao
Diana Lin
Production Credits:
Series creator Charles Yu serves as executive producer, along with Dan Lin and Lindsey Liberatore for Rideback; Jeff Skoll, Miura Kite and Elsie Choi for Participant; Garrett Basch for Dive; and Taika Waititi, who also directed the pilot. The ten-episode drama is produced by 20th Television.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Generic Asian Man--
A Chinatown waiter finds himself in a mystery.
1-02 Delivery Guy--
Willis figures out where he fits into the story.
1-03 Tech Guy--
Willis tries to level up. Lana tries to keep her job by kissing up to Green.
1-04 Kung Fu Guy--
Willis and Lana get closer. Willis uncovers family secrets. Fatty finds a new role at the restaurant.
1-05 Chinatown Expert--
You can't go home again.
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