Synopsis: This coming-of-age film follows a hot-tempered high school senior as he finds his life thrusted into an enticing, dangerous direction after he’s robbed at gunpoint by the girl of his dreams. Brandon (Algee Smith) is a struggling teen who’s charged with caring for his two younger siblings, when Cassidy (Sierra Capri), enters his life. Lured in by her whimsy, Brandon seamlessly slips into the role of Clyde to her Bonnie as they make their way down an increasingly perilous path. (Courtesy BET+, 2024)
The Cast:
Algee Smith as Brandon
Sierra Capri as Cassidy
Sanaa Lathan as Janice Huffman
Mike Epps as Lamont
Production Credits:
Director: Thembi L. Banks
Screenplay: Juel Taylor and Thembi L. Banks
Story: Tony Rettenmaier & Juel Taylor
Production: MACRO Film Studios, Confluential Films, and No Label Productions
Executive Producers: Codie Elaine Oliver, Charlotte Koh, Prince Baggett, Jo Henriquez, Mark R. Wright, Jenna Cavelle, Tony Rettenmeier, Juel Taylor, Thembi L. Banks, Sanaa Lathan
Producers: Charles D. King, James Lopez, Poppy Hanks, Tommy Oliver, Baron Davis, Tracy "Twinkie" Byrd
Premiere Date:
It premiered Thursday, June 27th, 2024 on BET+.
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