Synopsis: UFO Factory follows Dalí, a waiter whose cultish boss believes in extraterrestrial life, that following a call returns to Ogarrio del Cobre, an old and abandoned mining town where his father and grandfather used to live, in order to collect an inheritance that will presumably solve his life problems. When Dalí realizes that the town is in bankruptcy due to a huge debt the residents have with the government that seeks to modernize it, he decides to reactivate its economy turning it into a tourist destination in a unique way: reviving an old story regarding UFO landings in the area. With a mayor leading a campaign to reclaim the lands of Ogarrio, a corrupt official and the locals’ distrust about the outlandish plan, Dalí will have to work against all odds in order to save Ogarrio del Cobre and give back to its residents the home they deserve by making a UFO that will save everyone provided they work as a team. (Courtesy Hulu, 2024)
The Cast:
Jeronimo Best
Jose Carlos Rodriguez
Odysseus Bichir
Susana Alexander
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (Hulu)
1-01 Lies That Fly--04/03/2024
1-02 Stardust--04/03/2024
1-03 Cosmic Village--04/03/2024
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