Synopsis: Set in the near future, Orphan Black: Echoes takes a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. It follows a group of women as they weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unraveling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.
The Cast:
Krysten Ritter
Keeley Hawes
Amanda Fix
Avan Jogia
Rya Kihlstedt
James Hiroyuki Liao
Reed Diamond
Production Credits:
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (AMC)
1-02 Jules--06/30/2024
Lucy drags Jules to Settlement House where she enlists Craig’s help in a haphazard interrogation.
1-03 Pegasu Girl--07/07/2024
Jules questions her past, taking Wes on a journey to investigate, as Lucy searches for answers.
1-04 It's All Coming Back--07/14/2024
Lucy and Jules turn to extreme measures to excavate a shared memory that may contain clues to their past.
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