Synopsis: The Irrational follows world-renowned professor of behavioral science Alec Mercer (Jesse L. Martin) as he lends his unique expertise to high-stakes cases and mysteries. His insight and unconventional approach to understanding human behavior lead him to work alongside varying clients ranging from the FBI to everyday people caught in perplexing situations desperate for answers. With the help of his trusted team and social-science experiments, Alec solves crimes and uncovers the truth to answer intriguing, and irrational, questions. (Courtesy NBC, 2024)
The Cast:
Jesse L. Martin as Alec Mercer
Maahra Hill as Marisa Clark
Travina Springer as Kylie Mercer
Molly Kunz as Phoebe Duncan
Arash DeMaxi as Rizwan Asadi
Max Lloyd-Jones as Simon Wylton
Karen David as Rose Dinshaw
Brian King as Jace Richards
Production Credits:
Arika Lisanne Mittman, Mark Goffman, Sam Baum, David Frankel and Robert Wolfe executive produce. The show is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.
The Episodes:
Season One Episode Guide (NBC)
1-01 Pilot--09/25/2023
Professor of behavioral science Alec Mercer is called upon to investigate the murder of a fashion influencer whose boyfriend, a decorated soldier and senator's son, has confessed to the crime; however, Mercer suspects there's more to the story.
Written by: Arika Lisanne Mittman
Directed by: David Frankel
1-02 Dead Woman Walking--10/02/2023
Professor Mercer is approached by his old friend CJ, a prominent investigative journalist who asks for help after she's poisoned with a rare and deadly nerve agent; with time running out, Mercer pieces together scant clues.
Written by: Arika Lisanne Mittman
Directed by: Jesse Warn
1-03 The Barnum Effect--10/09/2023
After a passenger plane crashes into the Potomac River, suspicions focus immediately on the pilot. Professor Mercer and the team are asked to investigate the pilot's personal motivations and piece together clues in the hopes of revealing the truth.
Written by: Mark Goffman
Directed by: John Terlesky
1-04 Zero Sum--10/16/2023
Alec and the team take on a kidnapping case at the request of a desperate father; their investigation is hampered by a complicated family dynamic that slowly reveals everyone's hidden motivations.
Written by: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Directed by: Janice Cooke-Leonard
1-05 Lucky Charms--10/23/2023
Alec and the team head to Las Vegas to help Camille, a former colleague turned expert poker player who's been lured into danger; they must take some risks to solve a gambling mystery before Camille gets hurt; Marisa makes a significant discovery.
Written by: Lydia Teffera
Directed by: Amanda Tapping
1-06 Point And Shoot--10/30/2023
Alec and the team head to Las Vegas to help Camille, a former colleague turned expert poker player who's been lured into danger; they must take some risks to solve a gambling mystery before Camille gets hurt; Marisa makes a significant discovery.
Story by: Jordan Rosenberg and Kirk A. Moore
Teleplay by: Kirk A. Moore
Directed by: Ernest Dickerson
1-07 The Real Deal--11/06/2023
Alec's first date with Rose turns into a 24-hour excursion when they find themselves taking on an investigation involving a forged masterpiece. Marisa and Kylie attempt to revive their friendship, which has faltered since Alec and Marisa's divorce.
Written by: Mira Z. Barnum
Directed by: Jesse Warn
1-08 Scorched Earth--01/29/2024
Alec's first date with Rose turns into a 24-hour excursion when they find themselves taking on an investigation involving a forged masterpiece. Marisa and Kylie attempt to revive their friendship, which has faltered since Alec and Marisa's divorce.
Written by: Jordan Rosenberg
Directed by: Maja Vrvilo
1-09 Cheating Life--02/05/2024
After witnessing a hit and run during a friend's livestream, Alec and Kylie aim to prove it wasn't an accident. As Marisa and Jace continue their investigation into the church bombing, they turn their sights on a prominent senator.
Written by: Jordan Rosenberg and Mira Z. Barnum
Directed by: Carl Seaton
1-10 Bombshell--02/12/2024
Alec and his team come face to face with the man who was put away for the church bombing 20 years earlier. Marisa and Kylie work together to save Alec, Phoebe and Rizwan. Jace makes a critical break in the case that changes everything.
Written by: Mark Goffman and Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Directed by: Jesse Warn
1-11 Reciprocity--02/19/2024
Alec and his team come face to face with the man who was put away for the church bombing 20 years earlier. Marisa and Kylie work together to save Alec, Phoebe and Rizwan. Jace makes a critical break in the case that changes everything.
Written by: Arika Lisanne Mittman
Directed by: Ernest Dickerson
Season Two Episode Guide (NBC)
2-01 Collateral Damage--10/08/2024
When Rose goes missing, Alec quickly discovers this is no ordinary kidnapping. While Rose plays a dangerous game to stall for time, Alec takes matters into his own hands to find her.
Written by: Arika Lisanne Mittman
Directed by: John Terlesky
2-02 A Kick In The Teeth--10/15/2024
The FBI needs Alec and his team to help stop a serial killer terrorizing the suburbs; as the bodies pile up, Alec helps the police uncover what's really driving this murderer to his choice of victims.
Written by: Lydia Teffera
Directed by: Ernest Dickerson
2-03 Bad Blood--10/22/2024
When a rising star on Wall Street is killed during her hockey game, Alex must determine if it was an accident or murder; Alex and Rose find themselves on opposite sides of the case as they try to get to the heart of the victim's cutthroat world.
Written by: Mark Goffman/Robert Hewitt Wolfe/Jojo S. Wright
Directed by: Jeffrey W. Byrd
2-04 Formal Ties--10/29/2024
When a rising star on Wall Street is killed during her hockey game, Alex must determine if it was an accident or murder; Alex and Rose find themselves on opposite sides of the case as they try to get to the heart of the victim's cutthroat world.
Written by: Katie Wech
Directed by: Jesse Warn
2-05 Anatomy Of A Fall--11/12/2024
When a rising star on Wall Street is killed during her hockey game, Alex must determine if it was an accident or murder; Alex and Rose find themselves on opposite sides of the case as they try to get to the heart of the victim's cutthroat world.
Written by: Mira Z. Barnum
Directed by: Darnell Martin
2-06 The Wrong Side Of Maybe--11/26/2024
Alec and the team work to prevent a looming locomotive catastrophe; Phoebe, Simon and Rizwan struggle to adjust to new power dynamics.
Written by: Jordan Rosenberg
Directed by: Holly Dale
2-07 Stan By Me--12/03/2024
Alec enters the world of K-pop fandom when a superfan is murdered, and the only suspect is the pop star the fan idolizes; Alec and Rose dig beneath the surface to uncover what happened and, in the process, he uncovers more about her past.
Written by: Kirk A. Moore
Directed by: Sarah Wayne Callies
2-08 Lost Souls--01/07/2025
When an acclaimed tennis player goes missing in a remote forest, Alec is called to help find her and bring her to safety; however, a medical emergency threatens to sideline Alec, leaving Marisa and Rose to race against time and rescue the woman.
2-09 Another Man's Treasure--01/14/2025
Alec and Marisa investigate a museum heist and a curator and his son might hold the key; the case raises ethical questions about the controversial practice of buying and selling cultural artifacts, which brings old memories for Marisa.
2-10 Now You Don't--01/21/2025
Alec brings Rose on a date to a magic club he frequents where a friend is the headliner; the evening turns deadly when an audience volunteer is inexplicably killed onstage, and seemingly by magic.
Show Guide: 'The Irrational'
- Details
- By Rick Ellis